August 14, 2009

We've moved!

Well, we've finally done it! :-)

We're all moved and unpacked (for the most part).

Here's what you all (well maybe a couple of you :-)) have been asking for...

Bear with me, there are A LOT of pictures to follow, and I am not joking...I did a 'walk through' of the new place and took pictures as I went. I have SO much decorating that I want to do, but that takes time and money and slowly but surely we'll make it into our homey home!

From the drive way

Walking up to the front door (I want a topiary tree for right there :-))

Walking in through the front door

Another shot from the front hallway/door

I turned around...looking at the door :-) We finally got to put up our awesome MCINTYRE sign that we got from Ryan's aunt and cousin for our wedding - love it!

Through the living room and looking into the dining room

Looking into the kitchen from the dining room

Looking into the kitchen from the other side (of the kitchen)

The half bath on that side of the kitchen (I love having two bathrooms and I love the color in there!)

The garage (I also love having a you notice some 'projects' in there?!)

Up the stairs we go...

Oh, hold on...there's another set :-)

The hallway upstairs - we also got to put up our wedding canvas...I want to get it framed though

Into the office, which is turning out to be the 'catch all' room at the moment until I feel like fully putting things away...

And the guest bedroom (again...have some major decorating and homifying ((that's a word)) to do

The other half of the guest room (and Roxy too)

The laundry room (love love love having a laundry room! No more quarter hording!)

Walking into the master bedroom

Oh hold on...pit stop at the bathroom on the way!

The other half of the bathroom - we have a tub with a shower and a shower stall

Into the master bedroom (I made the brown curtainish thing at the top there - so proud of myself and my Nester inspired mis-treatments that I made out of sheer desperation after waking up at 630am consecutively on the weekends...). I have to say I am pretty darn proud of myself!

The other half of the bedroom. On of my 'projects' will be going here. Roxy is quite the little camera hog today, huh?!

Our ohsovery organized closet...

Our 'backyard' and patio.

The End.

I hope you enjoyed the tour!

Come back now ya'll ya hear?!

Hopefully I'll be updating more frequently... I have so many projects and ideas swirling around in this head of mine that I should be able to keep this blog afloat!


ZN said...

FINALLY...I've been getting really bored of the monogram page!!

Krista said...

Our current bathroom is the same red as yours! But we're moving Oct 2nd, so we won't have that bathroom for much longer. :( I love the colours, too!!!!